
Category: Education

Residential Youth Enjoy Diverse Adventures Across Kansas City Metro Thanks to Hunt Family Foundation Grant

Residential Youth Enjoy Diverse Adventures Across Kansas City Metro Thanks to Hunt Family Foundation Grant

From fighting dragons at Sandbox Virtual Reality to catching foul balls at a Kansas City Monarch’s baseball game, the youth in Cornerstones of Care’s on-campus living programs enjoyed a wide variety of field trip adventures in 2023.

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Getting Real About Workplace Boundaries: A Three-Part Series

Getting Real About Workplace Boundaries: A Three-Part Series

Part 3 - Boundaries with Remote Teams | If you’ve ever seen an episode of The Office, you’ll recognize what can happen when coworkers have poor boundaries with one another – office romances, secrets and scandals, and lots of interpersonal drama. While it may be entertaining on the television screen, it’s clear that a work environment like the one depicted in The Office is problematic at best.

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Mentorship Program Brings Consistency of Care to Kids in the Ozanam Campus Residential Treatment Program

Mentorship Program Brings Consistency of Care to Kids in the Ozanam Campus Residential Treatment Program

This National Mentoring Month, learn more about Catherine and Allen, two of our incredible mentors, who dedicate their time to two youth in the Ozanam Campus Residential Treatment Program.

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BIST Program Brings Principles of Grace and Accountability Into the Home

BIST Program Brings Principles of Grace and Accountability Into the Home

Most people will recognize BIST as a school-based program that supports teachers, administrators, and other school staff as they partner with students to address behavioral issues. First introduced to schools in 1989, the BIST program has grown to include more than 330 schools in nine states. BIST is now in its third year of offering in-home services and has seen overwhelmingly positive results. Join us as we learn about the Saunders family and their year-long journey with Lead BIST Consultant, Linda Hosman to bring more grace and accountability into the home.

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An Inside Look at IEPs with Training Specialist Katie Ramel

An Inside Look at IEPs with Training Specialist Katie Ramel

What is an IEP, and how do you qualify for one? Who can advocate for an IEP? Are there any special considerations for families with children in foster care? In this brief conversation, Katie Ramel shares her expertise with teachers, parents, case managers, foster parents, and anyone who wants to learn how better to serve the needs of our youngest community members.

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