
Category: Education

Why We Celebrate Black History Month

Why We Celebrate Black History Month

Many people often ask why we continue to celebrate Black History Month, especially in a society where we have elected the first Black President, and more recently the first Black Vice President of the United States. However, I think it’s important to remind ourselves why. Why do we continue to celebrate Black History Month?

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Team Spotlight: CharCarol Fisher

Team Spotlight: CharCarol Fisher

CharCarol Fisher is the program manager for expressive arts/combat on our Ozanam Campus. She plays Jazz as a hobby and volunteers as an instructor at the American Jazz Museum. CharCarol loves collecting vintage records, enjoys gardening and participating in community music programs for youth.

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Day Treatment Team Rises to the Challenge

Day Treatment Team Rises to the Challenge

Worldwide educators are rising to the challenge to provide a safe and effective learning environment. While it’s not easy navigating what that looks like, our day treatment program team is committed to using a trauma-informed approach and quickly adapted to a virtual learning. They are going above and beyond to meet the needs of students, while providing wrap around services for their families.

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We Received the School of Excellence Award

We Received the School of Excellence Award

The National Association of Special Education Teachers recently honored our therapeutic day treatment school with their School of Excellence Award. Pam Sanders, the school's director of education, shares what the award means to her as an administrator.

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BIST: From Defiant to Most Improved

BIST: From Defiant to Most Improved

Teachers at Turner Middle School use the Behavior Intervention Support Team (BIST) model to help students overcome emotional and behavioral difficulties through grace, responsibility and accountability. Here's one of their experiences.

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