Describe how you and your family first became involved with our Cornerstones of Care - Ozanam Campus.
Thelma Cooke first was involved in the 1940s and continued forever during her life. She was President of the Ladies Auxiliary for three different times over the years – ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, etc. She was always involved in something, and in the early formative years, the ladies did a lot of sewing for the kids every month!
In what ways have you supported our programs and services through the years (board service, financial and in-kind contributions, event attendance, volunteer activities, etc.)?
I served on the Board for 12 years, and my wife and I have contributed regularly. We have some $65k in life insurance plans that will be paid to the organization someday and two plans of $50k each that have already been received, plus more from other family members. There also were many events for Ozanam Campus that we attended through the years, like the Kentucky Derby Day, and I am past Chair of their annual Gala fundraising event.
What inspires you to help children and families, or what draws you to our mission of partnering for safe and healthy communities?
Thelma Cooke was an orphan at age four. She had no dad and a deceased mother. She had foster parents and never went to high school. So she had tremendous empathy for children who were dealing with similar issues or challenges.
How did the Cooke Spiritual Life Center come to be named as such, and what giving vehicle did your family use to make that special naming opportunity possible?
We were asked to donate half of the cost of $520,000, which was the center’s cost, but that was way too expensive at that time for the Cooke’s five children. However, all five of us loved the idea and were delighted to be asked because the Center was to be named in Thelma’s honor. So, we all purchased individual life insurance plans that we could afford, and this made it very convenient to support the project! Then we got to see our mother “cut the ribbon” for the Center. What a day! There was not a dry eye in the house!
What has been the most rewarding part of making philanthropic donations?
Supporting the wonderful work of helping children, and you made it easy for us to do so!
How can life insurance be set up to benefit a charitable organization like Cornerstone of Care and its Foundation?
The nice part of this is how easy it is. Each donor designs his or her own plan as to how much they wish to donate, and plans are designed to be paid up in five years (or one year) and the deposits are 100% deductible! Then the charity becomes the owner and the beneficiary of the life insurance policy. It’s a true gift!
What advice or encouragement would you give to someone who is considering making a meaningful planned gift of any kind to the Cornerstones of Care Foundation (either through life insurance policy, bequests, or other type of financial gift?)
Do it in someone’s honor and make sure they know about it. That would be a great amount of pride for them - and all smiles for those who are making the gift! You also can donate in memory of deceased family or friends, and then let others who are close to that person know about it.
It seems fitting to share one of Thelma’s favorite prayers for the boys and girls:
All I have and call my own.
You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola
This interview originally appeared in the 2023 Foundation Report.