
Cornerstones of Care Blog

5 Ways YOU Can Support Foster Families

5 Ways YOU Can Support Foster Families

Being a foster parent is important, difficult work. Those who open their homes and hearts to children in state custody are not superhuman and need a network of support alongside them. Even if you’re not yet a foster parent, you can support those on the front lines of foster care.

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Local University Becomes Strong Advocate

Local University Becomes Strong Advocate

When we opened our doors in Maryville, Mo., our focus was finding foster care homes for children in the area. During this time, our relationship with Northwest Missouri State University blossomed and they have since become one of our strongest advocates in the area.

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From Foster Parent to Mentor

From Foster Parent to Mentor

A former mentor turned foster parent, Ray Fuller began mentoring again at age 72 to stay connected with today's children.

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3 Ways to Make Your Home Trauma-Informed

3 Ways to Make Your Home Trauma-Informed

We all want our home to be warm and welcoming; however, for friends and family who have experienced trauma, environmental factors can either trigger intense emotional pain or be instrumental in their healing journey. Being intentional about the physical and emotional manner of your home makes a significant impact on helping guests feel comfortable. Here are 3 quick and easy ways to make your home trauma-informed.

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Staff Spotlight - DeeDee Conrad

Staff Spotlight - DeeDee Conrad

Over the past 21 years, DeeDee Conrad has worked with just about every age group we serve in residential care as a youth youth behavioral health specialist. Learn about her work and what keeps her going.

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