
Hoping For Their Future

Having recently moved to Kansas, Miranda Pettus first became involved with us when she donated a dresser to one of our foster care families in 2017. She followed the organization and learned more about us as she settled in. That's when she heard about our mentorship program and it piqued her interest. Miranda loves children and has previous experience mentoring young girls. Deciding she wanted to get involved in a similar program here, the rest is, as they say, history.

"I decided to become a mentor because I truly believe we are blessed to be a blessing," Miranda explained.

Miranda completed the process to become a mentor and has been paired with a 14-year-old girl who is like a little sister. Though they have fun chatting and spending time together on campus, Miranda made the most of the one off-site outing they've had so far. "We visited Wayside Waifs, Half-Priced Books and Oak Park Mall," Miranda said. "And we have future plans to visit Union Station, Crown Center, the River Market and the Plaza!"

The bond between these two is strong, and Miranda has some age-old hopes and dreams for her mentee that any caregiver can relate to.

"My hope is by spending time with my mentee, her bad days won't seem as bad," Miranda shared. "I hope she realizes no matter how hard life gets, there is always someone in the world who cares about her and her wellbeing. I hope when she gets older, she looks back at our time together as a positive experience in her life."

That is what makes you such a phenomenal mentor, Miranda! Thank you for caring!