
Build Trybe Graduate Finds Confidence to Pursue the Next Big Dream: To Become a Travel Nurse

“I love how it starts as a piece of wood, and you put all this effort into it, and then you get this end result,” said Daisey, a graduate of the Build Trybe Building Trades program. “I love seeing the end result.” 

A similar transformation process occurs for many of the kids that go through the Build Trybe program. Each individual enters the program with their own story, often peppered with periods of trauma, uncertainty, and loss. With the right combination of effort, skill, and support, they leave the program feeling more equipped to handle the world and pursue their next step in life.

Daisey’s journey with Build Trybe began about four years ago, in 2019. She was involved with the Pathways Transitional Living program and heard about the opportunity to learn several advanced trades in a supportive, peer-based environment.

“I’ve always liked working with my hands,” said Daisey. “I haven’t had a lot of time to build something on my own or even had the knowledge to do it.”

As part of the program, Daisey explored each Build Trybe focus area – culinary, horticulture, and landscaping – but found her home in the woodworking program. It was her first time in a shop, and she enjoyed connecting and collaborating with others in the program.

“It was a pretty good environment to let yourself just be there,” said Daisey. “Nobody was judged for not knowing anything. It was one of the calmer environments I’ve ever been in.”

Daisey’s experience with Build Trybe is precisely the type of safe space that Build Trybe instructors try to create for the apprentices – a space that is more than just a shop but a mentorship community that empowers youth with employable skills and provides emotional support as needed.

Daisey recalled her bouts of seasonal depression and how Build Trybe team members knew her enough to support her, help her utilize her emotion regulation and coping skills, and put her to work on a specific project that would brighten her day.

“It’s a really tight-knit community,” said Daisey. “That support system has been amazing. I would almost call it a secondary family.”

When Daisey graduated from the Build Trybe program in 2020, she became an “ambassador” and peer mentor, representing the program at fundraisers like Savor the Sound and offering input on the program’s direction. Since the program's inception, 28 youth have graduated from the building trades program and have been offered similar ambassador roles to stay involved.

Build Trybe also helped Daisey secure her job with KC Restoration, where she restores metal, stone, and wood. 

Now, Daisey is not only a full-time employee but is also taking college classes to achieve her next big dream: to become a travel nurse.

“I love traveling and seeing the world – new experiences, new memories,” said Daisey. “I like making money as well. I like helping people.”

Daisey recognizes that some people may be surprised by her career choice but is excited to have a new, ambitious goal and experience the possibilities on the other side. Plus, she knows she can return to construction and use those skills anytime.

“I’m not going to quit it entirely – I still love it,” said Daisey. “If there are any side projects or if Theo or any of the residents need help doing something, I’d love to get my hands on it and help.”