
Category: Mental & Behavioral Health

Staff Spotlight - DeeDee Conrad

Staff Spotlight - DeeDee Conrad

Over the past 21 years, DeeDee Conrad has worked with just about every age group we serve in residential care as a youth youth behavioral health specialist. Learn about her work and what keeps her going.

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Advancing Safety and Health in Kansas City

Advancing Safety and Health in Kansas City

In Missouri's eastern Jackson County, 9.81% of the population is uninsured. In fact, in all of Jackson County, there is only one primary care physician for every 1,310 residents. Lack of access to healthcare causes children and young adults to miss out on basic preventative care. We're trying to change that.

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Meet the Therapist: Jessica Allen

Meet the Therapist: Jessica Allen

We asked Jessica Allen, one of our therapists in St. Louis, about what led her to the field, the work that she does and what she wished the community understood about the children and families we work with every day. This is what she said.

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Running for Resilience

Running for Resilience

We all know exercise is good for the mind and soul. Our Running Clubs help students grow their confidence and increase their resilience. Learn how in their own words.

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ACEs: What Are They and How Do They Affect Us?

ACEs: What Are They and How Do They Affect Us?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are negative stress-inducing circumstances children experience that shape the way they process and interact with the world around them. The simple series of questions about one's childhood can predict the likelihood of a series of health difficulties later in life. Resilient KC even conducted an ACE Study in our very own backyard and the results were staggering.

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