Child abuse is a topic that most people avoid, but the dedicated specialists who work in Intensive In-Home and Intensive Family Reunification services (IIS/IFRS) run towards it. In this guest blog, Lead IIS/IFRS Specialist, Alyshia Wayland, breaks down five common reasons why child abuse occurs, and how her team uses education, a trusting relationship – and a little humor – to get families back on the right track.
The eighth-seeded Ozanam Eagles boys’ basketball team played its opening round of the Great Plains Athletic Conference tournament on February 20, facing the top-seeded Independence Home School Lions.
While Alan may have a special gift for bowling, he openly admits that he has nothing on his 13-year-old mentee, *Miles, when it comes to basketball. “He is an awesome basketball player; he kicks my butt every time we play,” said Alan. Since August 2023, Alan has been visiting Miles weekly through the Cornerstones of Care mentorship program.
This National Mentoring Month, learn more about Catherine and Allen, two of our incredible mentors, who dedicate their time to two youth in the Ozanam Campus Residential Treatment Program.
Most people will recognize BIST as a school-based program that supports teachers, administrators, and other school staff as they partner with students to address behavioral issues. First introduced to schools in 1989, the BIST program has grown to include more than 330 schools in nine states. BIST is now in its third year of offering in-home services and has seen overwhelmingly positive results. Join us as we learn about the Saunders family and their year-long journey with Lead BIST Consultant, Linda Hosman to bring more grace and accountability into the home.