
Category: Foster Care & Adoption

Four Back-to-School Tips for Foster Parents

Four Back-to-School Tips for Foster Parents

As summer break rolls to a close, students all over the country are gearing up for a new school year. But for youth in foster care, this can be an incredibly different experience. Some youth are going back to their same school for the first time living in a different home. Others have had to switch to a different school, maybe in a new town, where they know no one and may be afraid to be identified as someone in foster care. We asked Angie McKim, who has two school-aged youth in foster care, to give us four tips for foster parents.

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When Foster Parents and Birth Parents Partner, Children Benefit

When Foster Parents and Birth Parents Partner, Children Benefit

The most effective intervention we can provide children healing from trauma is strong, enduring relationships with caring adults. When foster parents and birth parents partner in the child's best interest, the child hears, "You're lovable; you matter and we care." The desired outcome is reunification and a lasting friendship between families.

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Separating Siblings Can Intensify a Child’s Trauma

Separating Siblings Can Intensify a Child’s Trauma

In the United States approximately two-thirds of children in foster care have a sibling also in care. When siblings are removed from their home and placed in foster care we make every attempt to keep them together. We understand sibling relationships help children achieve developmental milestones as well as provide emotional support, companionship and comfort in times of change. Separating siblings compounds the grief they feel over separation from their parents and the transition to a new home.

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Your Foster Parent Journey: Getting Started

Your Foster Parent Journey: Getting Started

As a foster parent, you have the opportunity to help children heal from past trauma by providing a safe and nurturing home. Your guidance and support are invaluable during such a critical time in their lives. But the process of becoming a foster parent can seem daunting–after all, you are bringing a child into your home, so where do you start? How long does it take?

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Social Workers Answer: Why is Social Work Essential?

Social Workers Answer: Why is Social Work Essential?

March is National Social Work Month, a time to shine a light on social workers and the incredible work that they do. From foster care case managers to intensive in-home specialists to licensing workers, they are the true unsung heroes of our organization. Rather than try and explain why social work is so important, we decided to have some of our team members explain why social workers are essential, and why they decided to take up the mantle of social work.

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