
Category: Education

Expressive Therapy Uses Art to Overcome Trauma

Expressive Therapy Uses Art to Overcome Trauma

Expressive therapy combines principles of psychology and the benefits of the creative process to promote emotional growth and healing. The expressive therapists at the Ozanam Campus Day Treatment School provide at least one session each week to the 42 youth on campus as a supplement to their other school curriculum and activities. It is creative, but it’s more than just play. As with any other therapy, it is a way to provide trauma-informed care.

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BIST in Action: 33 Years of Impact in Public Schools - Guest Blog by Marty Huitt, Director of BIST

BIST in Action: 33 Years of Impact in Public Schools - Guest Blog by Marty Huitt, Director of BIST

My journey with the BIST (Behavior Intervention Support Team) began in 1997 as a BIST Consultant working in schools throughout the Kansas City metro area. Six years later, I took on the role of Director of BIST. Since that time, I have had the awesome opportunity to witness schools on their journey to enhance care for students.

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YES Program Helps Former Foster Care Youth Turn Dreams Into Reality

YES Program Helps Former Foster Care Youth Turn Dreams Into Reality

Since she was five years old, Eugenia Doreen Wallace – who goes by Doreen – knew she wanted to be a lawyer.

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National Child Abuse Prevention Month: How School-Based Services Can Help Build a Safer World for Kids

National Child Abuse Prevention Month: How School-Based Services Can Help Build a Safer World for Kids

“Hospitals and schools are the number one source of hotline referrals for abuse,” said Julie Plunkett, Clinical Manager for school-based services in Kansas City. “We’re getting in at one of those catch points for hotlines for abuse. Hopefully, we can help head some of that off before it worsens and be a natural support for those families.”

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Book Buddies Make a Difference in the Lives of Students One Book at a Time

Book Buddies Make a Difference in the Lives of Students One Book at a Time

The Book Buddies arrive at the Gillis Campus Day Treatment School library shortly before 1:00 p.m. every Monday with a book cart, a large tub of art supplies, and smiles all around as they prepare for an hour of reading, crafts, and fun with the kids.

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