
Category: Education

Structural Engineer ‘Pays It Forward’ As Volunteer for Build Trybe Building Trades Program

Structural Engineer ‘Pays It Forward’ As Volunteer for Build Trybe Building Trades Program

On the first day of National Women in Construction Week this March, Marcia Bolton walked into The Shop by Build Trybe for her Monday volunteer shift and gasped.

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Kansas City Young Matrons Assist with Preparations for Upcoming Plant Sale

Kansas City Young Matrons Assist with Preparations for Upcoming Plant Sale

For over a decade, this group of women has helped with the Thyme for Kids Plant Sale by volunteering for two hours on Tuesdays leading up to the big event.

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Build Trybe Graduate Finds Confidence to Pursue the Next Big Dream:  To Become a Travel Nurse

Build Trybe Graduate Finds Confidence to Pursue the Next Big Dream: To Become a Travel Nurse

Daisy’s experience with Build Trybe is precisely the type of safe space that Build Trybe instructors try to create for the apprentices – a space that is more than just a shop but a mentorship community that empowers youth with employable skills and provides emotional support as needed.

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Social Work Breaks Barriers: Part Two

Social Work Breaks Barriers: Part Two

In our second edition highlighting standout social workers at Cornerstones of Care, we meet Patricia, David, Ky, and Christina and ask them about their entry into the social work field, how they manage challenging client cases and systemic challenges, and much more.

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Social Work Breaks Barriers: Part One

Social Work Breaks Barriers: Part One

This National Social Work Month, we highlight the stories of several standout social workers at Cornerstones of Care. In these mini-profiles, we meet Kaitlyn, Ikeshia, and Ben, and ask them about their entry into the social work field, how they manage challenging client cases and systemic challenges, and much more.

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